How Gullible can Society be?How Gullible can Society be?
My concerns are profound – insofar as I believe that CITES has become the biggest impediment to implementing “best practice” management to ALL Africa’s wildlife resources; and that if CITES
My concerns are profound – insofar as I believe that CITES has become the biggest impediment to implementing “best practice” management to ALL Africa’s wildlife resources; and that if CITES
This is a re-post of an article by the Animal Activist Watch – be aware NOT to DONATE your hard earned money to organisations that use emotions to solicit funds
Great cook, famous author and well-known TV personality. He is one of us! _____________________________________ My attention was recently drawn to a chapter entitled MEAT in a book called “Jamie’s Italy”
Here is a comment by John Rance (TGA Director) on the TGA’s positional statement on the canned lion issues under debate. Hi Ron, After all the words written on this
THE TRUE GREEN ALLIANCE – A Public Guidance Position Statement The captive-bred lion hunting (a.k.a. canned lion hunting) controversy had an unfortunate consequence for the professional hunting industry in South
Written by Wei JI an Independent wildlife researcher who provides advice to the Chinese government. _____________________ Ten years ago, in June 2007, Chad and Zambia proposed a complex package of
SC69 means the 69th meeting of the Standing Committee. Standing committees concern themselves with work programmes on an ongoing basis. SC69 attracted 600 delegates compared with the 3500 that attended