The Editor,
“Maverick Outsiders”
Dear Editor,
I am the CEO of an organisation called THE TRUE GREEN ALLIANCE (TGA) the vision of which is :
To create a Southern African (and ultimately global) society that understands and supports the principles and practices of science-based wildlife management; that understands and supports the wisdom of sustainably utilising the living resources of the planet (both domestic and wild) for the betterment of mankind; that supports animal welfare (i.e. that opposes animal cruelty); and that opposes animal rights – the doctrine of which is to abolish all animal uses by man.
This vision statement supports the objectives of the World Conservation Strategy (WCS) – on which all responsible National Conservation Strategies are based (including the South African National Conservation Strategy).
In 1980, the whole world hailed the WCS as being ‘the blueprint’ that would take mankind and nature into posterity in symbiotic harmony.
The South African Constitution is also in harmony with the provisions of the WCS – and it supports the right of South Africans to sustainably utilise our environment for the benefit of our people.
Yet the animal rightists reject the provisions of the WCS.
According to an interpretation of the American RICO Act (The Racketeering Influenced and Corrupt Organisations Act):
(1) People who make money out of the gullible public on the basis of a single propaganda lie are “Common Fraudsters|”;
(2) People who – having been successful once in making money out of a lie – tell that same lie a second time (and more) and make more money out of the unversed public as a consequence, are “Racketeers”; and
(3) Racketeering is classified as “Organised Crime”.
Sir, the animal rights movement is guilty of all these things – yet the Daily Maverick repeatedly provides the animal rights movement with a strong media platform that it uses to broadcast of its poisonous prohibition doctrine.
It seems that the Daily Maverick has no idea what any of this means but I can tell you that the animal rights brigade is undermining all South Africa’s efforts to make forward progress with its legitimate wildlife management programmes.
Everyone is concerned about the fact that “The Guptas” very nearly captured the South African economy.
I have to tell you that the international animal rights movement – with the help of several local individuals – is VERY busy “capturing” the South African Wildlife Industry – and very few South Africans understand that this is happening.
I empathize with your stated objectives, therefore, but I have been on the point of unsubscribing from the Daily Maverick Newsletter because it is practicing (see above) exactly what you propose we should oppose.
I shall look forward to your response.
With kind regards
Ron Thomson