True Green Alliance Uncategorized Big Lion in a Wide Open Grassland

Big Lion in a Wide Open Grassland

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The wildlife paedophiles say that the reality of Captive Breeding of Lions is full of stories about sick and scrawny lions living in bad circumstances and in small cages.  And that these are the stories that lion farmers hide from the public. Here are the pictures that tell you the lies that these people speak.

Where is the small cage in this great lion’s life?

A veterinarian once told me – when determining the health-condition of any animal.  LOOK at the animal.  If you can see that it is hurting or skinny or sickly then it probably is being badly treated – and it will need a vet.  If it isn’t any of those things then it is clearly healthy; happy and thriving.

Look at this big lion.  Which of the two do YOU think this lion is?  Is it a good example of what the paedophiles tell the public.  Or is it the opposite. LOOK at it and you will immediately see that this lion is full of health, vim and vigour. It is one of the CBL male ‘breeders’ and it is treated like the king that it is.

The public also need to understand that when a lion is being fed well, it will sleep for 20 hours out of every 24.  Which is why lions don’t really need gigantic paddocks.   The Lions of the Captive Breeding Lion Industry by law, all live in “adequate space”.

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