True Green Alliance Uncategorized Can We Do Without Facebook?

Can We Do Without Facebook?

We reached more than 63 000 people on Facebook during this past week.

Thank you for your support on our social media platforms. Please continue to share the TGA posts.

Some of you may be aware of the fact that Facebook changed their algorithms this year and that it had a real negative effect on our Facebook statistics. Shadow banning was/is also practised on TGA posts.
The TGA is blessed – we have just had some stunning growth despite all the efforts of Facebook to silence conservative and conservation issues.
Here are the reasons:
All I can say is WOW and thank you to Ron Thomson and Elma Britz for the informative captive-bred lion industry report – Ron’s address prepared for the Parliamentary Colloquium. This report provided me and many many other people with a balanced interim document. Information we never had.
Our Facebook reach and engagement rate.
I took a few small chunks of information from Ron’s report (not many people read long dissertations) and used it as Facebook posts. This proved to be rather successful.
Our stats are right up again and we had an amazing organic growth during this past week. We also gained 102 new likes/fans.
The engagement of this week is actually the success indicator. In simple terms, the engagement rate on Facebook can be calculated as the number of “People Talking about this” divided by the total number of likes. According to experts, an acceptable engagement rate is in the range of one to two percent.
With an engagement rate of 7 678 during this past week between 18 and 24 August 2018, we achieved 3%.
We strive to exceed and improve all the time.
We reached more than 63 000 people altogether during this same period.
See the stats for only 1 of our 11 posts below.

We are burning the candle on both ends. Please buy us a cup of coffee.

…and please please sign our petition

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