The IWC (International Whaling Commission), like CITES (the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, also known as the Washington Convention) has been long ago “captured” by its accredited animal rights NGOs who have become so powerful they now dictate policy in the IWC (and at CITES)
Japan has been trying for decades to get the IWC to see reason with regards to applying responsible harvest quotas for whales.
But the animal rightists have said: No not ever.
So the Japanese told the IWC: Okay then we resign and we will harvest whales as we see fit on a sustainable basis.
This the best news the TGA has received since the TGA was created four years ago.
I am elated and congratulate Japan on its guts in making this decision now – because Africa is in the same predicament with CITES which has also been captured by its accredited animal rights NGOs and because CITES is doing Africa no good the TGA hopes to get the SADC countries to resign from CITES.
The IWC and CITES – have both been corrupted by their animal rights elements and they BOTH need to be euthanised.