New Members & Renewals

You will be helping our wildlife, our country, our world, and our people – together – as a team – to ensure that the wildlife and the wild places that you and I cherish today, will still be available for the enjoyment of our grandchildren’s grandchildren tomorrow, and as an endowment for all the generations of mankind to come.

NEW MEMBERS online membership registration and payment

Become a member now and support us to broadcast and inform the general public about the truth of Africa’s wildlife and wildlife management.

  Online RENEWAL of your membership for 2020

If you already a member you need to renew your membership for 2020 by EFT fill in this form (click link below) and email this membership form plus proof of payment to the email address on the form.

For those who prefer EFT


  1. Who should become TGA members?

Anybody and everybody who has/have the slightest interest in maintaining and/or sustainably utilising our wild living resources into posterity should become a member. We will then all, as a unified team, be helping our wildlife, our country, our world, and our people to ensure that the wildlife and the wild places that you and I cherish today, will still be available for the enjoyment of our grandchildren’s grandchildren tomorrow, and as an endowment for all future generations of mankind.

  1. Why do people or organisations need to become members? 

Because the TGA, alone, cannot inform the public about the principles and practices of wildlife management, the wisdom of sustainable utilisation for the benefit of mankind, and the need to preserve the world’s biological diversity for posterity.

  1. For what purpose, will the TGA use the funds it generates from membership fees?
  • To continually counteract destructive animal rights propaganda.
  • To fund the making of informative documentary films about:
    • the principles and practices of wildlife management;
    • the sustainable utilisation of living resources; and
    • the need to integrate the needs of human and wildlife resources.
  • To invite intimate groups of the media and other important stakeholders (public opinion-makers) to informal sessions where the principles of wildlife management and sustainable use will be explained honestly and openly.
  • To educate our youth with innovative natural history learning programmes.
  1. The TGA’s registration number is 176-732 NPO.

If you wish to become a member then please click on the link below and fill in the membership form and send it to us by email. Please do an EFT to activate your membership.











