True Green Alliance Elephant Management Now… a Contentious Observation

Now… a Contentious Observation

Now… a Contentious Observation post thumbnail image

The “endangered species” concept is a fallacy. For a whole species to be truly “endangered” means that every one of its populations must be UNSAFE.

The endangered species concept also implies that you cannot manage a species as a whole when in fact you can only manage a species, population by population; and depending on whether it is UNSAFE; SAFE or EXCESSIVE.

So, it is not correct to call the elephant an endangered species when every one of its populations in southern Africa is EXCESSIVE.

If society accepts that the elephant is an endangered species – and acknowledges that all its populations are forcibly being subjected to “preservation management” (as is the case today) – then society must also understand that all the elephants’ SAFE and EXCESSIVE populations are being forcibly subjected to gross MISMANAGEMENT.

Within touching distance of Botswana – including Botswana; Hwange; Gonarezhou; and Kruger National Parks – every single elephant population is grossly EXCESSIVE.

And my recommendation is that they should ALL be reduced by half, in the first instance, immediately.
So that will give you some idea of the extent of ‘disposable’ elephants that Botswana has to deal with; and to what extent the elephants of Botswana can be utilised on a sustainable basis for the benefit of the country’s people.


1 thought on “Now… a Contentious Observation”

  1. “For a whole species to be truly “endangered” means that every one of its populations must be UNSAFE.” – Total population of one species can be endangered – even if one of its population is SAFE/EXCESSIVE?

    Limiting the definition so that ONE species ALL populations need to be UNSAFE – I would see high risk levels, narrow overview across the regions/borders, also protection and other wildlife management methodologies do not have time to act and effect, proactivity momentum dissapears. Or am I clueless here?

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