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Why become a member of the TGA?

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Why should anyone become a member of the TGA?

Good question!

The TGA was established, primarily, to counteract the negative influence on important best practice wildlife management (a.k.a.conservation) programmes in Africa, resultant from animal rights propaganda. The influence of this propaganda has been and remains all-invasive. There is, today, hardly a single essential wildlife management practice that is not being challenged by the animal rightists; and, in many cases, vital wildlife management programmes have been successfully stopped by them as a result of the influence that emotional animal rights propaganda has had on society’s psyche.

The TGA will be working tenaciously to reverse this state of affairs.

It is the TGA’s intention to create a general public that is properly informed about the principles and practices of science-based wildlife management – all carefully explained in layman’s language – so that every man-in-the-street will come to understand why the animal rights philosophy is wrong; and why what the TGA advocates is right.

Have a good look at the TGA’s position statement on our website – entitled “the animal rights doctrine” -and make up your own mind on the question: which one of us is right and which one is wrong?

Essentially, the TGA belongs not to the TGA’s Board or Directors but to YOU – the people of Africa (and the world) – on whose behalf the TGA is beginning to fight this good and worthy war. It is YOUR wildlife – YOUR natural heritage – YOUR wild places – that the TGA is trying to protect from the iniquities of the animal rights brigade.

So WHO should become a member of the TGA?

EVERYBODY who has the slightest interest in preserving and/or sustainably utilising our wildlife into posterity should become a member. We will then ALL be helping our wildlife, our country, our world, and our people – together – as a team – to ensure that the wildlife and the wild places that you and I cherish today, will still be available for the enjoyment of our grandchildren’s grandchildren tomorrow, and as an endowment for all the generations of mankind to come. The TGA cannot succeed in its endeavours UNLESS the people of Africa (and the world) understand and support this fundamental ideal. What you get out of being a member of the TGA will be a measure of what you put into it. Just becoming a member, however, will be a very good start; and it will enrol you on the TGA’s newsletter database.

The TGA is a registered non-profit organisation – soon to become a public benefit organisation, too – and we will be raising funds to pay for the execution of the multifarious tasks that we will be fulfilling in the months and years ahead. How we will spend this money will be open to public scrutiny!Enjoy the journey. The road ahead is very new. And it is going to be an exciting ride.

Just to explain three of our objectives, however, will be enough to tell you why we cannot operate without money. We intend to make documentary films that will be shown on local and international television. We intend to organise informal meetings with intimate groups of people from the media, when journalists will be entertained on a game ranch for several days. During this time the principles and practices of wildlife management will be explained to them over a campfire in the evening; at the breakfast table in the morning; or whilst undertaking a game drive in the afternoon. We will also make ourselves available to discuss with the journalists, honestly and openly, whatever the current wildlife controversy might be. The intention of these junkets will be to create a media that is properly informed about the principles and practices of wildlife management; and, thereby, to persuade them towards the TGA’s way of thinking.

We also intend to educate our youth with innovative natural history learning programmes. And all the while we will be fighting the propaganda of the animal rights brigade.

The TGA is, truly, a worthy cause!

Ron Thomson



Go to our membership page to contact us in this regard.

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