True Green Alliance Short Articles,Uncategorized Still True “Hunters Protect Wildlife” Theodore Roosevelt

Still True “Hunters Protect Wildlife” Theodore Roosevelt

Still True “Hunters Protect Wildlife” Theodore Roosevelt post thumbnail image

Since biblical times – and long before – man has killed wild animals to survive.

In primitive times the hunters in the village were very special people because it was they who put the food on the table. They were afforded high rank in society because of their skills.   This all gradually changed – as humanity changed – as modern man evolved and new survival agricultural techniques made hunting less and less important. And as hunting became less of an essential practice in human survival, it developed into an important social pastime that still recognises man’s inherent need to hunt.

Hunting – no matter what the anti-hunters say – is still embedded deep within man’s deepest instincts.

In modern society, there are just as many people who enjoy hunting as there are those who are deplored by it. Nevertheless, the world would be a much better and happier place to live in if the latter would allow the former to worry about the damnation that they say hunting will bring to their souls.

Theodore Roosevelt (1905) advised the world that no matter what the degree of opposition to hunting was emerging within America’s urban society at that time, it was ONLY the “sportsman” – the hunter – who was protecting America’s wildlife (in those days) from extermination; and had it not been for its large brotherhood of hunters, America’s wildlife would have been long ago extirpated.

Today, more than a hundred years later – this statement still rings true.


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