The True Green Alliance Uncategorized The Daily Maverick is an Animal Extremist’s Mouthpiece

The Daily Maverick is an Animal Extremist’s Mouthpiece

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The Daily Maverick purports to tell “THE TRUTH”, in all things, to the South African public.

Well, let me tell you that THAT statement is THE BIGGEST LIE the Daily Maverick has ever told.

To tell the truth in a newspaper means you either have to quote science; or you have to accept articles written by people who are REAL experts in their fields.

This does not mean to say that ‘people’ are NOT entitled to their own personal preference opinions and prejudices, or that they are NOT entitled to express those opinions and prejudices openly, anywhere and everywhere.

But it is not ‘correct’ for a newspaper’s editorial board to tell the world that their newspaper  “TELLS THE TRUTH, THE WHOLE TRUTH AND NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH in its columns when that is not true.

I have written to the Daily Maverick several times complaining about this FACT and they have either ignored me completely, or they have offered me a placatory sop.

The time has come, therefore, to tell South Africa to “BEWARE THE DAILY MAVERICK” because, in terms of South Africa’s current red hot wildlife management ‘issues’, the DAILY MAVERICK is antagonistic towards our wildlife industry; it readily distributes animal extremist’s  propaganda; and it ignores the ‘true facts’ when they are presented to them.

Ron Thomson.  CEO TGA

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