The True Green Alliance Elephant Management,In the news Trump Administration can Help Lift Rhino Horn & Ivory Trade Bans

Trump Administration can Help Lift Rhino Horn & Ivory Trade Bans

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Our collective luck is the USA elephant hunting trophy ban lift. It is a victory for sustainable development.

I think the Trump Administration can help us lift the rhino horn and ivory trade bans.

They understand that trade, not aid serves as a better incentive for poor African rural communities settled next to national parks to see the need to conserve both the rhinos and elephants.

Without such benefits from trade in rhino horn and ivory, they would rather collaborate with poachers as is currently happening at the expense of both the rhino and elephant conservation.

Therefore, by lifting the ban on Zambia and Zimbabwe’s elephant trophies the Trump administration has sent a clear message that if we present our case well, motivating further for them to lift the ban on rhino and ivory they will lift it.

I wonder how this makes China feel as it is currently being pressured by animal rights groups to stop the trade in ivory products without consulting its own citizens who have profited from ivory carvings since time immemorial.

I am sure in light of the US Government’s lifting of the ban on elephant trophies without being told by another government to do so, the Chinese Government might just not ban trade in ivory products.

Emmanuel Koro

TGA: Director


“The Trump administration will allow American hunters to import elephant trophies to the US, reversing an Obama-era 2014 ban, US media report.

A federal government agency said imports could resume on Friday for elephants that are legally hunted only in Zambia and Zimbabwe”.

Source: BBC


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